"3rd AMU DARYA 2023
Today: Tuesday 18 Feb 2025
Closing Date : Sunday 03 Dec 2023


Best Author Award: FIAP light Blue Badge, Nguyen Xuan TUYEN, Vietnam

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FIAP Gold MedalMei Ling Yiu Lee (EFIAP)Migration 002Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
PSA Gold Medal (Best of Show)Lai Ling Helena Chan (AFIAP - EFIAP)Grassland 03Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
FPC TrophyMehdi Parsaeian (EFIAP)ToplessIran/ Yazd
FIAP RibbonIman Yadmellat (AFIAP)Chest beatingIran/ Shiraz
FIAP RibbonMahdi Zabolabbasi (EFIAP/s)ToleranceIran/ Mashhad
Honorable MentionThomas Cheng (PPSA - EFIAP)Calf ropingHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Honorable MentionVincenzo Di Panfilo (AFIAP)Warriors hillItaly/ Moncalieri
Honorable MentionKhang Duong DuyDu lich dua bo Bay NuiVietnam/ Ninh Binh
Honorable MentionTat Chuen Lam (AFIAP)Morning WorkingHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Honorable MentionWei Liantwo fishermen catching fishUSA/ Fremont
Honorable MentionDaniel Lybaert (EFIAP/d3)Berenruzie in ZwWNetherlands/ Ijzendijke
Honorable MentionGianni MaitanCheetah hunting thomson's gazelleItaly/ Trissino
Honorable MentionShin Woo Ryu (EFIAP/d2 - MPSA)Transmission LineSouth Korea/ Yongin-Si
Honorable MentionJamaleddin Teymourialpine skiIran/ Tehran
Honorable MentionHai Vu (EFIAP)Han hanVietnam/ Ha Noi


Behzad AzimiFatherIran/ Tabriz
Behzad AzimialoneIran/ Tabriz
Behzad AzimiWithout willIran/ Tabriz
Werner W. Becker (AFIAP)ElbphilharmonieGermany/ Hamburg
Pietro Bugli (EFIAP/d2)Countryside 1Italy/ Livorno
Jun CaiUnwaveringChina/ Jishou City
Lai Ling Helena Chan (AFIAP - EFIAP)Going home at SunsetHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Lai Ling Helena Chan (AFIAP - EFIAP)Happy SailingHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Lai Ling Helena Chan (AFIAP - EFIAP)HopingHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Wing Ho ChanS waterway 01Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Lai Ling Helena Chan (AFIAP - EFIAP)Grassland 03 (PSA Gold Medal (Best of Show))Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Sherman Cheang (EFIAP/g)Dancing Girl 2Macau/ Macau/China
Sherman Cheang (EFIAP/g)My Fatal Shot 2Macau/ Macau/China
Sherman Cheang (EFIAP/g)Tango 1Macau/ Macau/China
Thomas Cheng (PPSA - EFIAP)Megan 4Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Thomas Cheng (PPSA - EFIAP)Wafuku dancerHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Thomas Cheng (PPSA - EFIAP)Calf roping (Honorable Mention)Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Vincenzo Di Panfilo (AFIAP)Warriors hill (Honorable Mention)Italy/ Moncalieri
Khang Duong DuyDu lich dua bo Bay Nui (Honorable Mention)Vietnam/ Ninh Binh
Mohammad Esteki (EFIAP)beutiful eyseIran/ Isfahan
Mohammad Esteki (EFIAP)elina eyseIran/ Isfahan
Mohammad Esteki (EFIAP)cry under waterIran/ Isfahan
Mohammad Esteki (EFIAP)sunny girlsIran/ Isfahan
Michele FiniMarcellaItaly/ San Severo
Feng Gaodam superior Xuexiang 1China/ Changsha City
Feng GaoAffection UninterruptedChina/ Changsha City
Dariuosh GhanbarnasabaloneIran/ Behbahan
Dariuosh Ghanbarnasablight and shadowIran/ Behbahan
Kjersti Holst (EFIAP/s)man and the birdsNorway/ Langhus
Kjersti Holst (EFIAP/s)friendship girl and dogNorway/ Langhus
Kjersti Holst (EFIAP/s)a unique connectionNorway/ Langhus
Syed Amir HosainTHE BOAT MAKERBangladesh/ Bandarban
Deying HuangMoms backChina/ Fuzhou
Vladimir KaramazovGrandma's prideBulgaria/ Sofia
Vladimir KaramazovThe boy from the mountainBulgaria/ Sofia
Arlen Keshishian (AFIAP)SirenIran/ Tehran
Arlen Keshishian (AFIAP)CoverupIran/ Tehran
Maryam KhaleghizadehParachutistIran/ Fars Fasa
Bui Thi Khanh HoaWashing Nets 03Vietnam/ Hanoi
Bui Thi Khanh HoaBa na Litte BoyVietnam/ Hanoi
Francis King (GMPSA - EFIAP/p)Aurora Over Kirkjufell Iceland 102Canada/ Markham
Francis King (GMPSA - EFIAP/p)Friendly TussleCanada/ Markham
Francis King (GMPSA - EFIAP/p)Worker At Charcoal FactoryCanada/ Markham
Tat Chuen Lam (AFIAP)Camel JourneyHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Tat Chuen Lam (AFIAP)Morning Working (Honorable Mention)Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Grace Lee (EFIAP)Waves Splash 2Australia/ Katoomba
Grace Lee (EFIAP)Surf BabyAustralia/ Katoomba
Junming LiBerthingChina/ Jishou City
Junming LiThe beauty of BadaChina/ Jishou City
Wei Lianwheatland harvest patternUSA/ Fremont
Wei Liangranary in morning sunUSA/ Fremont
Wei Liantwo fishermen catching fish (Honorable Mention)USA/ Fremont
Daniel Lybaert (EFIAP/d3)Berenruzie in ZwW (Honorable Mention)Netherlands/ Ijzendijke
Daniel Lybaert (EFIAP/d3)Mono ContpiepNetherlands/ Ijzendijke
Daniel Lybaert (EFIAP/d3)De confrontatie in ZwWNetherlands/ Ijzendijke
Gianni MaitanGnu crossing n4Italy/ Trissino
Gianni Maitanaquila di mareItaly/ Trissino
Gianni MaitanCheetah hunting thomson's gazelle (Honorable Mention)Italy/ Trissino
Markku Mansson (AFIAP)Wren in the sunshine BFinland/ Helsinki
Hamid Mohammad Hossein Zadeh HashemiRain timeIran/ Tehran
Hamid Mohammad Hossein Zadeh HashemiStaticIran/ Tehran
Mohsen MokhlesiTowards homeIran/ Tabriz
Chi Fun Fanny Ng (EPSA)Mushroom CloudHong Kong/ Zhuhai
Pekka Nisula (AFIAP)ResurrectionFinland/ Orimattila
Solution Pang (EFIAP)Net WorldHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Mirali Parandak (EFIAP)BeheadingsIran/ Ardabil
Mehdi Parsaeian (EFIAP)Desert and lonely treeIran/ Yazd
Mehdi Parsaeian (EFIAP)non stopIran/ Yazd
Mehdi Parsaeian (EFIAP)Topless (FPC Trophy)Iran/ Yazd
Sophie Pouillon (EFIAP)envol par le chignonFrance/ Bergerac
Omid Reza Pournabi (EFIAP)StandardIran/ Bushehr
Pradipta Roy ChowdhuryThe Butterfly GameIndia/ Kolkata
Shin Woo Ryu (EFIAP/d2 - MPSA)Transmission Line (Honorable Mention)South Korea/ Yongin-Si
Saeed Sabet Ghadam MoghadamHighlightsIran/ Karaj
Ali SaghafiWinter LeapIran/ Hamedan
Ali SaghafiAerial battle of heronsIran/ Hamedan
Kalle Salonen (EFIAP/p)League 12Finland/ Myllykoski
Ivana SancandiBeyond the gazaItaly/ Moncalieri
Pieter Swart (EFIAP)Same TargetSouth Africa/ Malmesbury
Pieter Swart (EFIAP)Spread Your WingSouth Africa/ Malmesbury
Jamaleddin TeymourisizifIran/ Tehran
Jamaleddin Teymourialpine ski (Honorable Mention)Iran/ Tehran
Nguyen Xuan Tuyen (AFIAP)PrayingVietnam/ Quy Nhon
Nguyen Xuan Tuyen (AFIAP)Va luoiVietnam/ Quy Nhon
Hai Vu (EFIAP)Kham Covid 19 trong vung chat doc DVietnam/ Ha Noi
Hai Vu (EFIAP)Han han (Honorable Mention)Vietnam/ Ha Noi
Yichi WangInfinite spaceChina/ Zhuhai
Glenda WorleyOuchAustralia/ Gladstone
Iman Yadmellat (AFIAP)Chest beating (FIAP Ribbon)Iran/ Shiraz
Kam Yuk Anita Yick (EFIAP/g - EPSA)Jump Game BW001Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Kam Yuk Anita Yick (EFIAP/g - EPSA)Running 001Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Mei Ling Yiu Lee (EFIAP)A rainy dayHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Mei Ling Yiu Lee (EFIAP)Migration 002 (FIAP Gold Medal)Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Mahdi Zabolabbasi (EFIAP/s)Tolerance (FIAP Ribbon)Iran/ Mashhad
Mahdi Zabolabbasi (EFIAP/s)In the evening aloneIran/ Mashhad
Mahdi Zabolabbasi (EFIAP/s)hejratIran/ Mashhad